2021 PMT Grant Recipients

The PMT Foundation awarded over $20,000 to organizations in the Magic Valley, each seeking to help sustain and improve our community.
“Every year at this time, I’m reminded of how blessed we are to live in a community with so many nonprofit organizations that serve so many. We want to congratulate our 2021 grant recipients and want to thank them for their efforts to positively impact the communities they serve in our beautiful Magic Valley,” states Marianne Welch, PMT Foundation Chairman.
As a customer-owned cooperative, Project Mutual Telephone (PMT) pays patronage dividends back to customers every year based on services used. When those monies go unclaimed for a number of years, they’re transferred over to the PMT Foundation, which focuses on furthering education through a scholarship program and supporting community projects through grant awards.
The 2021 grant recipients are:
- American Legion Post 17 – $2,400 – To repair the steps and landing into the Post’s entryway of their building.
- Cassia County Historical Society and Museum – $3,674– To help with the repair and restoration of the front of the main building, general store, and the one-room schoolhouse.
- The Children’s Museum of the Magic Valley – $3,700 – to go toward increasing their “Rigamajig” exhibit capacity. The “Rigamajig” are simple wooden boards and plastic bolts that participants can turn into working machines. The Children’s Museum of the Magic Valley travels throughout the valley with this exhibit and more on the On the Go truck, their mobile outreach program.
- Jerome Senior Center – $3,400 – to repaint the interior of the Senior Center. The Senior Center walls see a lot of wear and tear from daily use, and after 12 years, need to be repainted to continue to be a welcoming environment for seniors and a resource for the community.
- St. Nicholas Catholic School – $7,000 – After experiencing rapid enrollment growth, St. Nicholas has expanded their facilities into an adjacent building. The funds will be used to upgrade the wiring, cabling, and phone system between the two buildings to ensure students can continue to receive quality instruction with technology integration and enable seamless communication between the two buildings.
PMT Grant Applications are awarded once a year and will become available again in the summer of 2022.