PMT Pays $319,909 In Patronage Dividends

PMT is proud to announce that $319,909 was approved by our Board of Directors to be paid out to our members. Project Mutual Telephone Inc. is a non-profit cooperative that pays dividends back to customers based on the Board discretion in regards to our annual net revenue. This year’s dividend payment will be issued in December, and represents a portion of patronage earned in 1995 and 2017.
“As a cooperative, we act in the best interest of our owners, who are also our valued customers. As PMT generates an annual profit that money gets returned to our member customers… who keep us in business,” states PMT Board Chairman Dan Lloyd.
Checks will be mailed the first of December. For those members receiving dividends in the amount of ten dollars or less, the credit will be applied to their December bill.
About PMT
Project Mutual Telephone (PMT) is a full service communication company providing local telephone and its associated features, including long distance and voicemail, mobile phone service, cable TV, IPTV, high speed internet, directory publishing and computer networking and repair for home and office. Headquartered in Rupert, Idaho, PMT has been serving the Magic Valley since 1916. PMT serves 8,000 member customers and has offices in Rupert, Burley and Twin Falls, ID. For more information, see