2020 Grant Recipients

The PMT Foundation awarded $14,800 to organizations in the Magic Valley, each seeking to help sustain and improve our community.
“Although 2020 has been an extremely unusual year in most ways, one thing remains consistent, the Magic Valley is blessed with countless non-profit organizations that serve so many. We are pleased to announce our 2020 grant recipients and want to thank them for their efforts to positively impact the communities they serve in our beautiful Magic Valley.”
states Marianne Welch, PMT Foundation Chairman.
As a customer-owned cooperative, Project Mutual Telephone (PMT) pays patronage dividends back to customers every year based on services used. When those monies go unclaimed for a number of years, they are transferred over to the PMT Foundation, which focuses on furthering education through a scholarship program and supporting community projects through grant awards.
The 2020 recipients were:
- Golden Heritage Senior Center – $1,000 – To purchase food trays for the Meals on Wheels program. The Senior Center delivers around 56 meals daily to homebound seniors.
- Jerome Senior Center – $1,800 – For a new refrigerator for the Center’s Community Room.
- Mini-Cassia Search and Rescue – $2,500 – To purchase and update 20+ year old extrication equipment.
- Mountain View Christian Center Pantry – $5,000 – To replace a commercial freezer that is no longer working. The Pantry relies on this freezer to store food so they can distribute it to those in need.
- The Magic Valley Area Humanitarian Center – $2,000 – To install Handicap Automatic Door Openers.
- Wilson Theatre – Wilson Theatre – $2,500 – To purchase a 20×40 tent to use at larger events, conferences, weddings, and parties held at the restored Theatre.
PMT Grant Applications are awarded once a year and will become available again in the summer of 2021.
About PMT Foundation
The PMT Foundation was created in 2006 by the PMT Board of Directors as a charitable foundation. The Foundation helps further education in communities served by PMT through its scholarship program. It also supports projects and programs that sustain and improve those communities.
About PMT
Project Mutual Telephone (PMT) is a full-service communications company providing local telephone and its associated features, including long distance and voicemail, cell phone service, cable TV, IPTV, high-speed internet, directory publishing and computer networking and repair for home and office. Headquartered in Rupert, Idaho, PMT has been serving the Magic Valley since 1916. PMT serves 8,000 member customers and has offices in Rupert, Burley and Twin Falls, ID.
Past Year’s Recipients